Implementing the action plan of the Information and Documentation Center at the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Marine to build information databases

Within the framework of implementing the work plan of the Information and Documentation Center at the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Marine to build information databases within the Ministry’s comprehensive electronic portal project, a working session was held today in the municipality of Zawia, to introduce the electronic gazette, which included agricultural and animal services offices in Zalatn-Zawara _ Rikdalin _ Al-Ajilat _ Sabratha _ Sorman _ Zawiya The West _ the South Corner _ the Corner _ the water and attended the introductory session Eng. Mahmoud Al Swayeh Director General of the Ministry’s Information and Documentation Center and Engineer Alaa Al-Aradi and Engineer Areej Shaqlouf and Director of the Center’s Planning Department With the definition of the electronic portal and its mechanism of work, and granting delegates permission to enter the portal to enter data according to the approved electronic forms and on the margins of the working session, the center’s director general held a meeting with a number of officials of the agricultural, animal and marine resources sector in the aforementioned areas where he was given a full explanation of the system and its method of work and the desired benefits Including them to build functional and agricultural information databases to ensure the preparation of agricultural databases and animal and marine wealth data. The meeting included discussion of the portal content from other technical systems such as the electronic archive system and the extension system Electronic, where it was agreed to continue to communicate with the center and to adopt a support and assistance form for data accessors in agricultural and animal services offices approved by the Ministry’s Information and Documentation Center.